Saturday, March 15, 2008

Airport Orphanage and Dump

Here I am with Lucy at the orphanage near the airport. She's there with her 2 year old brother.

This is Paloma. Last year when we came to this orphanage Paloma was there. It's so special to see them grow!

Here Tiffany is showing the children the optical illusion tract by Ray Comfort. People loved those tracts!

The day that we went to the orphanage was Minerva's 14th birthday! She had one birthday card that she was carrying around with her everywhere. She told us and we all sang happy birthday to her and made a special flower balloon. The Lord prompted me to give her something, but we didn't have anything with us! She takes care of the babies day in and day out and today is just "another day". I didn't have any earrings on, no jewelery except a promise ring from my dad that I've had for 8 years. The Lord had me give it to her and it was SO special!
In this picture I still have it on...this was right before I gave it to her and we left. She was beaming with delight! Praise the Lord!!!

Here we were visiting with people living/working in the garbage dump.

This is Maria, she's 16 years old and has a 4 month old baby that her 14 year old sister was watching at home. She doesn't have a husband and works in the dump making every peso she can to feed herself and her baby. We were able to purchase some clothing for Maria and her baby and introduce them to the missionary pastor's wife. She invited them to the mission and they said they will come.

Here you can see the vultures and people going through the trash. Rodolfo put it well, "they wait for the garbage like it's candy!"

Mezcolez Mission

This was a brand new ministry to the community of Mezcolaz. This takes place once a week and we were able to be a part of the first two. That was special!

Here is mom and Damaris (missionary daughter) with a mom and daughter from the community. The mother was one of three women who came to us to ask for prayer. It was a very special time as we all got together and laid hand on them to pray.

Once this little boy learned my name he would say "Hey Deanna!" and then do something silly, so I snapped a picture this time. He loved that!

We did a Bible lesson, a craft, made balloon animals, gave them tracts to read, and had shoes, Bibles, rice and beans, soap and shampoo for the parents that needed things. Both times at this ministry were great!

The 15th birthday celebration

Here we are on Saturday, March 23 decorating/preparing for Laura's 15th birthday celebration! In Mexico ththe 15th birthday is a very big deal - like a wedding here in America.


We're gettin' there!
We went and changed before the party. Here we are all fresh and clean, ready to meet people.

Playing prelude music and deciding on songs to play for the ceremony.

The processional - we played "To God be the Glory"

Isn't she beautiful?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

First Day in Mexico

We arrived in Mexico on Thursday evening (2/21) and got checked into our hotel, etc.
On Friday morning we went shopping to fill the refrigerator, and that evening we went to The Pan de Vida church to see if the missionary pastor and his family were there.

Bible school was finished when we arrived at the church, but the Vasquez family was still there. They were not expecting us, so you can imagine what a surprise it was when Damaris saw us walking toward the church! She and mom went running to each other and just hugged and cried!!!

Truly a "family reunion". On the left is Damaris and Luis (two of the pastor's children) Pastor Luis Miguel welcomes mom and Mrs. Lupita is standing to the right.

Damaris holding a girl who was still there from bible school.

Here is Pastor Luis' other daughter, Dana, holding one of the baby's.
We didn't know it, but one of the young lady's from church - Laura was turning 15 the next day and everyone was preparing for the traditional 15-year fiesta. They invited us and we agreed to come early and decorate, serve drinks, etc.

We're Back!

Hey everyone! We JUST got back from Mexico. Will be posting pictures and updates more frequently. I'm sorry that there have been no updates.