Monday, October 29, 2007

Cumberland Falls

On Saturday I played for a wedding in Cumberland Falls (about 2 1/2 hours away). Mom, Jen, Lydia, James and Craig went to see the falls while I was at the wedding. Here you can see the view from where I was playing.

Jen, James, Lydia and Craig enjoying the falls

Here they are with mom...look at those BIG smiles!

A stop along the way


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Paul's pictures

Today Paul was learning how to use the digital camera during a walk down the misty back roads

Here's one of the pictures he took

He posed for me to snap a shot

Running across the tops of hay bales with my brother, Brad... Paul took this one too!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Recent Events

Thursday evening performance at the Pregnancy Resource Center Banquet

Vicki Ferrell, Deanna, Cynda Masse, Diane Stoltzfus & Pstr. Lance Ladd from the PRC.

Saturday evening at a hayride/cookout with a local church family.

This afternoon our church had our annual hayride/campfire. Here's our guys loading up the wagon and getting ready to go!

Looking back at our friends on the second tractor

Friday, October 19, 2007

An Autumn Walk

Dancing in the streets!

Mr. Handsome

The weather here is beautiful!

Bright eyes

Shining through and through

"I LUUV Kubota"

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In Two Days

On Tuesday mom and I went to Nashville for some meetings and a songwriting workshop. Here I am waiting in line with fellow songwriters. From left to right the names are:
Julie, Diana, Dionna, Deanna and Dianne!!!

"Can you please swing me?" (today)

Lighter than a feather

"I got the sticks you got the drum..."

Here they are crowded in a pew at a revival that I played for tonight.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Deanna's Chicago Trip

Mom picked me up from the airport this morning at 11:30. I had left on Saturday October 6th to spend time with my friends at IBLP Headquarters in Chicago, IL before they move on from Headquarters, starting new chapters in each of their lives.

This was Mrs. Stearn's last week working in the kitchen. It was such a privledge to work with her and the kitchen crew again.

Here are some of the girls that live in the apartment I was staying in. We had Italian this night!
Here's Mrs. Stearn and Lydia Collin working on the eggs...or "SMEGGS" as some would say :-)

STARBUCKS!!! What a great way to fellowship! Rachel Jorgensen recently arrived at HQ to work for a few months...we were able to share a few special moments together!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Apple Day with Lydia

Lydia got out the apple corer/peeler/slicer and had a big time preparing the apples. We made homemade warm chunky applesauce for Paul, because it's his favorite.

Then we made fried apple pies because that is daddy's favorite! Grandma Marple always made these and froze them. Whenever we would visit she would bring out the 'fried pies', creating one of daddy's fondest memories. With the apples leftover after pies we made apple crisp. Then we got to sample our work.

MMMMmmmm Delicious!!!

Miracle Camera

This is a FujiFilm FinePix f700 digital camera. Deanna purchased this in Jan 06. I had been researching cameras and found that the reviews on it were good so Deanna bought one. The reviews said that it had great image quality (it does). There was also a mention of durability.

Apparently Deanna didn't believe the reviews because she decided to put it to the durability

We were on a mission trip in Mexico in March. The little ones were taking a swim in a pool after we got back from serving. Deanna had gotten in the habit of twirling this camera by its lanyard on her index finger. She just happened to be passing by the pool at the point the camera flipped off of her finger. It bashed on the cement just before doing a canon-ball into the pool. She stood there dumbfounded for several seconds staring at the camera at the bottom of the pool. Once it was retrieved, we left it to dry out for a couple days. (In the mean time we purchased another camera.)

Well as you would expect, the camera didn't work right. There was water inside the LCD screen, and in the inner-workings. The bash on the concrete probably wasn't helping it either. It did keep trying to turn on though.
Deanna put the camera away until this past week when she brought it down thinking that she could take it somewhere and have it refurbished. She'd pressed the buttons to no avail. Someone asked if the battery was still good. So she took the battery out of the replacement camera (they're compatible) and put it in. This camera turned on, takes pictures and is fully functional as though no-one had ever abused it. (It still has the dent in the side though.)

We ought to get paid by Fuji for this post.

I guess we did in one sense. We don't have to purchase another camera...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Home for a change

Paul swinging on the tree swing in the front yard and getting ready to kick the camera out!!!

Well, hello Lydia

Swinging is kind of like skate boarding on air...or at least James thinks so

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork."
Psalm 19:1

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Madison, IN

Here I am on Saturday playing for thousands of people that were walking up and down the streets. I played the harp from 10am until 5pm with very few breaks because of the amount of people. They're saying that about 70,000 people came through on Saturday and Sunday.

It's a lot of fun meeting all of the people. At times there would be a wall of people around our tent just there to see the harp playing! I don't think they knew that I enjoyed watching them as much as they did me.

There wasn't a lot of time to get pictures. This was a moment when no one was at the table yet and mom could snap a few shots. This weekend she sold around 110 CD's.


Mom and I returned home from Nashville early Wednesday morning. Here James is riding the fire engine at Wal-mart on Thursday when I took him with me to run some errands.

On Friday afternoon the whole family was in the car and off to Madison, IN for me to perform for the annual Madison Chitauqua. We stopped at the McDonald's play place to see Ronald.

Knock, knock, knock
