On Saturday, January 19 we went to the Creation Museum again. They keep on adding things each time we come. This was the first addition we saw when we walked in.
These photos are out of order...just random snapshots here and there. A little further down you'll see the ark under construction.
Here's Craig waiting to see the Planetarium!
I think this shot was taken at the end of the day...he looks a little tired.
Here's the big dinosaur in front of the museum.
We went to Cracker Barrell after the museum...Paul's favorite restaurant!
Back to the Creation Museum. I think Eve was pregnant with Seth here.
Yup...there I am being goofy
Lydia enjoys the museum
Look at those hard working men! Trouble is, they've been working ever since we came the first time back in August and they're still sawing through the same boards!
Here's a model of what they're aiming for.
Entering the Garden of Eden
Lots of critters
Here's Adam trying to pet a mountain lion with a sheep under his arm...really neat to imagine!
Looking, reading, learning
The serpent
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